The average house price on BERYL AVENUE is £161,049
The most expensive house in the street is 25 BERYL AVENUE with an estimated value of £188,975
The cheapest house in the street is 6 BERYL AVENUE with an estimated value of £130,383
The house which was most recently sold was 17 BERYL AVENUE, this sold on 29 Oct 2020 for £147,500
The postcode for BERYL AVENUE is LE10 0ES
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
6 BERYL AVENUE Semi-Detached , 78 m2 £130,383 £32,500 21 Jan 2000
8 BERYL AVENUE Semi-Detached , 66 m2 £165,544 £134,000 11 Oct 2019
16 BERYL AVENUE Semi-Detached £183,991 £117,000 28 Sep 2007
17 BERYL AVENUE Terraced , 60 m2 £174,311 £147,500 29 Oct 2020
21 BERYL AVENUE Terraced , 65 m2 £146,241 £37,000 25 Feb 2000
24 BERYL AVENUE Terraced , 60 m2 £137,900 £108,000 22 Sep 2017
25 BERYL AVENUE Semi-Detached , 109 m2 £188,975 £138,500 1 Apr 2016